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Confirmation he's a boy!!

His foot

His head and hand

The whole time we were there he was moving like crazy. I think it's because I drank caffeine before we went to the appointment. It was so neat though. We could see his mouth moving. He was drinking the amniotic fluid. We also got to see his bladder fill up, empty, and fill up again. We also go to see his heart beating. He was kicking and playing with his feet the whole time.
On average, a baby that is 22 weeks in gestation weighs just under a pound. My big baby weighs about 1 pound 5 ounces right now. I knew I would have a big baby just due to how big Big John was at birth and how big he is now. So we are thinking that I won't go full term. Everything is healthy with Eli and me as well.
We are very anxious to start shopping now. We are going to go and register next weekend. I can't wait to go and pick out all the things we are going to want and need.
Of course, Big John is absolutely floating still. He would've been happy either way but I know that he is happy it's a boy. We both are!!!
So congrats to all those that voted for a boy in my poll. The final tally of votes was 10 boys and 15 girls.
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