Last week I hit my half way mark. I am now 20 weeks along. I know it doesn't seem possible. It has gone by so fast for me! It seems like yesterday we were just finding out that we were expecting. But now we are on the downward slide.
I have been taking pictures of my belly every four weeks to track my progress. I started at eight weeks. There wasn't a significant change until my 20 week picture.
Here is my picture at 16 weeks along.
And here I am last week at 20 weeks.
BIG difference!! I am feeling the baby kick and flip around all the time now. Big John has felt a kick once but not again. But they are getting stronger every day!! It is just so amazing to me that something so small can kick so much!!
We are getting anxious to get started on the nursery but we decided to wait until after we have our ultrasound. We go to the doctor again Aug 25th and hopefully we will get to schedule the ultrasound then. Hopefully they won't make us wait very long. Maybe not even a week... I am really starting to go nuts with anticipation!! As soon as we know something, I will post it.
I have a ton of pictures of Alli to post. She is getting better every day at not going potty in the house. She is so crazy and feisty sometimes. We are starting to think that she has some Jack Russell Terrier in her. More on her later...
I am thinking of doing an Ask BigJohnsGirl post. You can leave a comment asking me questions. Nothing will be held back. Ask me anything... If I get enough questions I will do the post. If not, then I will be very upset and never post again! Ok not really. That's just me being the spoiled youngest child that I was growing up. Did it work??? We shall see...
Here is my question: Can we have more info about Big John? I feel like I know you but I don't know anything about him. More please!!! Love your blog. It's how I start my day out every day!!!
I have a few random questions that I could think of. Here is my list:
Why do you call Big John "Big John"?
Why don't we see more pictures of you?
What is your favorite color?
Who does the cooking at your house?
Does Big John read your blog?
How long did it take you to get pregnant?
When are we going to get more of the story of how you met?
What are the names you have picked out for your baby?
I realize that some of these are very personal so I understand if you don't want to answer them.
I just thought of another one. What music do you guys listen to the most? What cd's do you have in your stereo the most??
Are you going to have a natural birth or are you going to have pain medicine?
Heather S.
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