We got Eli a Bumbo seat the other day. He absolutely loves it and so do we! He can sit in it unassisted and loves to just look all around. I feed him his cereal in it sometimes. It is really nice because it helps develop the neck and back muscles so he can sit up on his own sooner.

We were really hoping that once he started eating cereal he would start sleeping better (translate: longer) at night. Before cereal, we would lay him down at 10 pm and he would sleep solid until 4 am. Now we lay him down at 10 and he is up at 12:30 but he's not hungry. He just wakes up crying. Then he's up again at 2:30 to eat and again at 5:30. So to say that we are tired is a HUGE understatement! I talked to his doctor this morning and she said that we just have to let him cry at 12:30 and he will start to realize that he doesn't need to wake up. I am able to do this ok but I don't know about Big John. We'll see...
I just love bumbo pics! They always look so sweet and baby floppy in them. :)
I love the sleeper he is wearing, my DS had the same one but it was in a newborn and he is long out of those, lol.
Oh and btw I am from a small town beside Bloomington. So south west Indiana I think...u?
He is so cute! I LOVED the bumbo! We had one for my daughter, but not my son. My daughter sat up on her own MUCH sooner than my son.... My son was 2 and a half and still wanted to sit in the bumbo... (somehow he fit) Great blog and CUTE pics!
I know you said you didn't know if I would be able to not get up with him...I guess I proved that last night...Up with him for a few minutes!
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