I had my regular OB check up yesterday. The baby's heartbeat was 143. They were actually able to find the heartbeat using the Doppler on the outside of my belly this time. I have lost another 2 pounds. That puts my total weight loss at 16 pounds since we found out I was pregnant. I haven't gained a single pound. Which is ok. I had more than enough to spare at the beginning anyway. My next appointment is August 25th. At that time, I will have my one hour sugar test done. It consists of chugging down this wonderful tasting (yeah right!) sugary drink in about 10 minutes, waiting for an hour for your body to process the sugar and then getting your blood drawn to make sure that you don't have gestational diabetes. If I fail this one, then I have to do the 3 hour test. Which is just repeating everything every hour for 3 hours. Let's hope that I pass the first one because I hate needles!! This was a very quick appointment. We were in and out in less that 30 minutes.
Since we were already down in the city we decided to go to Show Carnival to see if we could find some sandals for Big John. This is usually impossible to do since he wears a size 15 shoe. He has had some good luck finding more than one pair of shoes in his size at Shoe Carnival though so he wanted to check there first. SO of course I let him go and look while I go to my section of shoes and start looking around. Usually, I can't find anything I like at that store. I have been looking for a pair of nice black shoes that I can wear to work. I find a few pair that I actually liked. So I tried them on and found one that I really liked. I ended up getting them in one size bigger than I usually wear so that when my feet start expanding and swelling (oh the joys of being pregnant) they will still fit. So then I went to the other side of the store to see if Big John found anything. Of course, he didn't. The only pair of sandals that they had in his size were old man sandals with velcro. So to recap: we went into the store to find Big John some sandals and I walked out with a pair of shoes. Does that sound fair to you? Yeah it does to me too...
Thanks to all who voted in my poll yesterday. And a BIG THANKS to those few that actually left me a comment. That tells me that at least 3 people read my blog other than my mom and Big John. I think the other votes were those two duking it out over if it's a boy or girl...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
In honor of my doctor's appt. today, I decided to put up a poll to see what you all think. I am dying to know if I am having a boy or a girl. But I am pretty sure that I have another 4 weeks until I will find out. So I decided to turn it over to all of you. Do you think I am having a boy or a girl?? Or twins?? I am almost positive that there is only one baby in there. I really hope so anyway. I don't know if we could handle more than one at a time. So let me know what you think. And then when I get the BIG ultrasound next month we can see who was right and who wasn't. As always, feel free to leave me a comment also explaining why you chose what you chose. That way I know who is voting. And know that it's not just Big John and my mom voting over and over again for what they want...
So look over on the right hand side of my blog toward the top of the page. There you will see the poll. Go vote now!!!
So look over on the right hand side of my blog toward the top of the page. There you will see the poll. Go vote now!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
A few things...
Dear readers,
I have not disappeared or fell off the face of the earth. Things have been bat crap crazy around here. We moved into our new house last week and ever since then I haven't had a single minute to write another blog post. Ok so I have had a minute but I chose to do something productive with my time.Like unpack or get organized and situated or sit around and watch T.V. and talk about how we should be unpacking. (Just trying to keep it real.) Nonetheless, I feel like I have neglected you and I am sorry for that. I actually have a few posts almost ready to publish but my computer at home still isn't hooked up to the internet. Hopefully, that will change this week. It has been a long week with no internet. I think I may be going through withdrawals!! So instead of the before and after pictures of the moving process or the cool witchy woman trick my mother-in-law did to me you get this...
Ok so I don't really have an IPOD. I am too cheap to spend that kind of money on something just for the brand name. So I have a very cute MP3 player that Big John got me for Christmas last year from Wal-Mart. But it does the same exact things that an IPOD does. Just for much less money.
So here is my survey that I stole from Heather over at Mindless Junque. I couldn't believe some of the answers that I got.
1. What would describe your personality? Better than me- Hinder
2. What do you like in a guy/girl? Things a Mama Don’t Know- Mica Roberts
3. How do you feel, today? My Hips Don’t Lie- Shakira
4. What’s your life’s purpose? Black Horse and a Cherry Tree- K.T. Tunstall
5. What is your motto? Just Got Started Loving You- James Otto
6. What do your friends think of you? Glamorous- Fergie
7. What do you think of your parents? Young Love- Carter’s Chord
8. What do you think about very often? No Rain- Blind Melon
9. What do you think of your best friend? Downtown- Stoney LaRue
10. What do you think of the person you like? Rockstar- Nickelback
11. What is your life story? Sunday Morning and Saturday Nights- James Otto
12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Bitch- Meredith Brooks
13. What do you think when you see the person you like? Into the Night- Santana ft. Chad Kroeger
14. What do your parents think of you? Crazy- Gnarls Barkley
15. What will be played at your funeral? Song of Blue Carter’s Chord
16.What is your hobby/interest? Counting Blue Cars- Dishwalla
17. What is your biggest secret? Vegas- Sara Bareilles
18. What do you think of your friends? Love on the Rocks- Sara Bareilles
19. What should you post this as? Guilty in Here- Miranda Lambert
I think my favorite answers were #6 and #12.
I hope that you all haven't abandoned me. I really will get back to posting soon. I promise. Just as soon as I can get unpacked and situated. Ok who am I kidding... As soon as I can get the internet hooked up at my house and all of my pictures loaded onto the computer.
P.S. I have my next doctor's appt. on Wednesday. I will be 18 weeks already. Can you believe it??? I will update when I can.
I have not disappeared or fell off the face of the earth. Things have been bat crap crazy around here. We moved into our new house last week and ever since then I haven't had a single minute to write another blog post. Ok so I have had a minute but I chose to do something productive with my time.
Ok so I don't really have an IPOD. I am too cheap to spend that kind of money on something just for the brand name. So I have a very cute MP3 player that Big John got me for Christmas last year from Wal-Mart. But it does the same exact things that an IPOD does. Just for much less money.
So here is my survey that I stole from Heather over at Mindless Junque. I couldn't believe some of the answers that I got.
1. What would describe your personality? Better than me- Hinder
2. What do you like in a guy/girl? Things a Mama Don’t Know- Mica Roberts
3. How do you feel, today? My Hips Don’t Lie- Shakira
4. What’s your life’s purpose? Black Horse and a Cherry Tree- K.T. Tunstall
5. What is your motto? Just Got Started Loving You- James Otto
6. What do your friends think of you? Glamorous- Fergie
7. What do you think of your parents? Young Love- Carter’s Chord
8. What do you think about very often? No Rain- Blind Melon
9. What do you think of your best friend? Downtown- Stoney LaRue
10. What do you think of the person you like? Rockstar- Nickelback
11. What is your life story? Sunday Morning and Saturday Nights- James Otto
12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Bitch- Meredith Brooks
13. What do you think when you see the person you like? Into the Night- Santana ft. Chad Kroeger
14. What do your parents think of you? Crazy- Gnarls Barkley
15. What will be played at your funeral? Song of Blue Carter’s Chord
16.What is your hobby/interest? Counting Blue Cars- Dishwalla
17. What is your biggest secret? Vegas- Sara Bareilles
18. What do you think of your friends? Love on the Rocks- Sara Bareilles
19. What should you post this as? Guilty in Here- Miranda Lambert
I think my favorite answers were #6 and #12.
I hope that you all haven't abandoned me. I really will get back to posting soon. I promise. Just as soon as I can get unpacked and situated. Ok who am I kidding... As soon as I can get the internet hooked up at my house and all of my pictures loaded onto the computer.
P.S. I have my next doctor's appt. on Wednesday. I will be 18 weeks already. Can you believe it??? I will update when I can.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
WE HAVE MOVED INTO OUR NEW HOUSE!!!! I am so excited!! We moved in over the weekend. It was a very hectic and long weekend but we got completely moved in on Saturday. And let me tell you it was the most stressful weekend I have had in a long time. We closed on the house on Thursday evening. Big John and I both took the day off on Friday so we could go to the new house and clean and get things ready for the big move. We no sooner pulled in the driveway when someone from the realtors office that had the house listed pulled up. He told us that our next door neighbor called that morning and said that he saw water pouring out of our foundation. So he told us that he had a guy coming to look at it. They turned our water off and went on their way.
When the plumber finally came late that afternoon he told us that we had a leak under the house and he couldn't fix it until the next morning. So we had no water all day. We had to run to the gas station anytime we had to use the bathroom.
Saturday morning the troops showed up bright and early. We had 4 trucks, a van, 2 SUV's and a PT Cruiser. We started working on loading everything up. And when I say we I mean everyone except for me. I didn't do any heavy lifting at all since I am pregnant. We didn't want to risk anything happening. So I basically supervised and told people what was going and what was staying. We got all the vehicles loaded down and took our first trip over. It is so much easier to unload that it is to load up. It went really quick. I was again directing traffic and telling people where things go. We took a break for lunch and then got to situating things and putting furniture where we wanted it. Some of the vehicles went back to the old house to finish up over there. I started unpacking some things. We got our bedroom situated and our living room done also.
Big John called me from the old house and asked me if it was raining where I was. I told him it wasn't and he said that everyone else was on their way back. He was just talking to our landlords and doing the final walk through. So everyone started arriving back. It was starting to thunder and looked like it could rain at any minute. So we started unloading the final load as quick as we could. Big John got back and we started unloading his vehicle. As soon as we got the last box in the door it started to pour!!! What good timing!!
Everyone went home and Big John and I were left with our new house and a lot of boxes. We decided to just take it easy for the rest of the night. When we got ready to go to bed, Big John was going to take a shower. He came back out of the bathroom and told me that we had no hot water. So he flipped the breaker to see if that would work. Of course it wouldn't. So he looked at the water heater to see if there was a reset button. He couldn't find anything. We have a home warranty that covers any working component in the house for a year. But we couldn't call them until Monday morning and we couldn't have anyone do work before we called the warranty people. So he had to go to his parents house to shower.
Finally Monday morning came around and I called the warranty people. After being on hold numerous times for 30 minutes or longer each time I finally got someone to talk to. I got the instructions of what we needed to do. I called a plumber to come and look at it and luckily he could come that day. So he came and told Big John that there was indeed a reset button and that was all that needed to be done. So he charged us $90 to come out and push that button!! It was ok though because we now have hot water!! We could now shower at our new house!!!
We also FINALLY have TV. More on that to come later....
When the plumber finally came late that afternoon he told us that we had a leak under the house and he couldn't fix it until the next morning. So we had no water all day. We had to run to the gas station anytime we had to use the bathroom.
Saturday morning the troops showed up bright and early. We had 4 trucks, a van, 2 SUV's and a PT Cruiser. We started working on loading everything up. And when I say we I mean everyone except for me. I didn't do any heavy lifting at all since I am pregnant. We didn't want to risk anything happening. So I basically supervised and told people what was going and what was staying. We got all the vehicles loaded down and took our first trip over. It is so much easier to unload that it is to load up. It went really quick. I was again directing traffic and telling people where things go. We took a break for lunch and then got to situating things and putting furniture where we wanted it. Some of the vehicles went back to the old house to finish up over there. I started unpacking some things. We got our bedroom situated and our living room done also.
Big John called me from the old house and asked me if it was raining where I was. I told him it wasn't and he said that everyone else was on their way back. He was just talking to our landlords and doing the final walk through. So everyone started arriving back. It was starting to thunder and looked like it could rain at any minute. So we started unloading the final load as quick as we could. Big John got back and we started unloading his vehicle. As soon as we got the last box in the door it started to pour!!! What good timing!!
Everyone went home and Big John and I were left with our new house and a lot of boxes. We decided to just take it easy for the rest of the night. When we got ready to go to bed, Big John was going to take a shower. He came back out of the bathroom and told me that we had no hot water. So he flipped the breaker to see if that would work. Of course it wouldn't. So he looked at the water heater to see if there was a reset button. He couldn't find anything. We have a home warranty that covers any working component in the house for a year. But we couldn't call them until Monday morning and we couldn't have anyone do work before we called the warranty people. So he had to go to his parents house to shower.
Finally Monday morning came around and I called the warranty people. After being on hold numerous times for 30 minutes or longer each time I finally got someone to talk to. I got the instructions of what we needed to do. I called a plumber to come and look at it and luckily he could come that day. So he came and told Big John that there was indeed a reset button and that was all that needed to be done. So he charged us $90 to come out and push that button!! It was ok though because we now have hot water!! We could now shower at our new house!!!
We also FINALLY have TV. More on that to come later....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How Big John and I Came To Be Part 4
I thought it would be a really long weekend without talking to him. He had begun to occupy my every thought. Every time I thought about him I would smile. I was longing for Monday to come so I could talk to him again. Imagine my surprise when my phone rang on Sunday and I saw his number pop up. He called me just to say hi and see what I was doing. We talked forever! He told me all about the hotel he was staying in and said “I wish you were here to see it all.” And with that simple phone call, he won my heart completely.
When he got back, he told me that his birthday was coming up the following weekend. His boss was throwing him a party on Wed. and he wanted me to come. So I of course called my best friend and roped her into going with me so I didn’t have to show up alone. So we met Big John and his friend at the radio station and from there I followed them to the place where the party was. Imagine my surprise when we stopped in front of a bar. I reminded Big John that I was only 19 and he said that it was ok. So we went in and I was bombarded with people that he wanted to introduce me to. It was really hard to keep them all straight. We started singing karaoke (yes we are karaoke junkies) and I thought I would be sexy and sing Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera and give the birthday boy a little sexy dance. So he pulled up a chair and I had fun dancing all around him and singing. Then much to my horror, when I was done singing he said “Come over here. I want you to meet my dad and my brother.” I was humiliated!!! I asked him later why he didn’t warn me that they were there and he said that he thought it would be funny. I was not laughing. I know my face was so red when I was talking to them. But neither one of them has ever brought it up again. Thank God!!
When the party was winding down, Big John said he would walk me to my car. So my friend and his friend disappeared for a while and let us say goodbye in private. Now Big John had had a few drinks at his party. He was a little tipsy. So he was a little braver than he normally was and he leaned in and kissed me goodbye. And in that moment, the world stood still. I had so many different feelings going through me at once it was making my head swim. After what seemed like an eternity the kiss ended and he said goodnight. Be careful going home. Then my friend reappeared and we got in the car and left. As it turned out, my friend and his friend had really hit it off and they experienced their first kiss as well that night. But she didn’t feel the fireworks that I felt. In that moment is when I knew that this was the man I would spend the rest of my life with.
When he got back, he told me that his birthday was coming up the following weekend. His boss was throwing him a party on Wed. and he wanted me to come. So I of course called my best friend and roped her into going with me so I didn’t have to show up alone. So we met Big John and his friend at the radio station and from there I followed them to the place where the party was. Imagine my surprise when we stopped in front of a bar. I reminded Big John that I was only 19 and he said that it was ok. So we went in and I was bombarded with people that he wanted to introduce me to. It was really hard to keep them all straight. We started singing karaoke (yes we are karaoke junkies) and I thought I would be sexy and sing Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera and give the birthday boy a little sexy dance. So he pulled up a chair and I had fun dancing all around him and singing. Then much to my horror, when I was done singing he said “Come over here. I want you to meet my dad and my brother.” I was humiliated!!! I asked him later why he didn’t warn me that they were there and he said that he thought it would be funny. I was not laughing. I know my face was so red when I was talking to them. But neither one of them has ever brought it up again. Thank God!!
When the party was winding down, Big John said he would walk me to my car. So my friend and his friend disappeared for a while and let us say goodbye in private. Now Big John had had a few drinks at his party. He was a little tipsy. So he was a little braver than he normally was and he leaned in and kissed me goodbye. And in that moment, the world stood still. I had so many different feelings going through me at once it was making my head swim. After what seemed like an eternity the kiss ended and he said goodnight. Be careful going home. Then my friend reappeared and we got in the car and left. As it turned out, my friend and his friend had really hit it off and they experienced their first kiss as well that night. But she didn’t feel the fireworks that I felt. In that moment is when I knew that this was the man I would spend the rest of my life with.
Friday, July 11, 2008
My birthday
Today is my birthday!!! I am 26 years old today. One more year closer to the big 3-0!! And it's my last birthday without any kids to celebrate with. That's such a cool feeling.
Big John is taking me out on the town tonight to celebrate!! We are going out to eat and then on to sing karaoke. Which was my choice of things to do this evening. I am so excited!! We haven't been out in a long time. And then tomorrow is the BIG birthday extravaganza. See today is not only my birthday, it's also Big John's mom and brother's birthday. He also has a cousin that shares our b-day too. So we always have a HUGE blow-out party to celebrate. I will hopefully have some great pictures to post next week. The weather man is calling for some possibly severe storms tomorrow during the party so we will see...
In the meantime...
Someone have a margarita for me tonight!!!!
Big John is taking me out on the town tonight to celebrate!! We are going out to eat and then on to sing karaoke. Which was my choice of things to do this evening. I am so excited!! We haven't been out in a long time. And then tomorrow is the BIG birthday extravaganza. See today is not only my birthday, it's also Big John's mom and brother's birthday. He also has a cousin that shares our b-day too. So we always have a HUGE blow-out party to celebrate. I will hopefully have some great pictures to post next week. The weather man is calling for some possibly severe storms tomorrow during the party so we will see...
In the meantime...
Someone have a margarita for me tonight!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
One crazy week
Well, it's been a few days since I have been able to write anything and I'm sorry for that. My week has been absolutely insane!! First of all, My last doctor's appt. was a very eventful appt. The doctor came in and asked the normal questions and then said we were going to listen to the heartbeat. So he got the very cold gel out and put it all over my belly and used the Doppler to try and hear the heartbeat. He tried for about 5 minutes or so and said "OK I'm tired. Let's just do a quick ultrasound and make sure everything is ok." Of course I was so excited about that idea. So he left the room for about 20 minutes and then came back in with the most ancient looking piece of machinery I have ever seen. He said that we may not get a printed picture to take home because this machine was so old. But he fired it up, put some more of the cold stuff on my belly and found the baby right away.
It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen!! Here was my tiny little baby moving around like crazy!! It even stopped to wave at us once. I just layed there and cried!! Big John got to see a lot more of it than I did because of how the screen was facing but I still got to see our little baby. The doctor printed out a picture for each one of us to have.

Introducing.... Baby E!!!! We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl. We won't know that until the end of August. So right now it's baby E because either way the name will start with an E.
Ok that's all the really happy news...
This past Sunday my grandma passed away. She was a month shy of her 96th birthday. She has had a long and happy life. My grandpa passed away last Dec. and she has been ready to go ever since then. So it is not really that sad of a time for my family. She was miserable and incredibly lonely without her husband. They had been married for more than 60 years so I can't even imagine what it was like for her to not have him around anymore. I am going to write more about them in the coming weeks. I would love to tell their story for you all. So stay tuned!!!
It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen!! Here was my tiny little baby moving around like crazy!! It even stopped to wave at us once. I just layed there and cried!! Big John got to see a lot more of it than I did because of how the screen was facing but I still got to see our little baby. The doctor printed out a picture for each one of us to have.

Introducing.... Baby E!!!! We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl. We won't know that until the end of August. So right now it's baby E because either way the name will start with an E.
Ok that's all the really happy news...
This past Sunday my grandma passed away. She was a month shy of her 96th birthday. She has had a long and happy life. My grandpa passed away last Dec. and she has been ready to go ever since then. So it is not really that sad of a time for my family. She was miserable and incredibly lonely without her husband. They had been married for more than 60 years so I can't even imagine what it was like for her to not have him around anymore. I am going to write more about them in the coming weeks. I would love to tell their story for you all. So stay tuned!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Cute purse alert!!!
Check out this purse!!

Is that not the cutest purse you have ever seen!?! A genuine Brighton handbag retailed at $175!! If you would like a chance to win it, head on over to this place and leave a comment. Oh, and if you decide to enter, mention my name and I get an extra entry!!!

Is that not the cutest purse you have ever seen!?! A genuine Brighton handbag retailed at $175!! If you would like a chance to win it, head on over to this place and leave a comment. Oh, and if you decide to enter, mention my name and I get an extra entry!!!
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