The first thing that Big John noticed about the room were the birthing balls. He asked if we could play kick ball with them and I suggested that dodge ball would work better. We started off with an ice breaker where we went around the room and said our names, when we were due and where we were from. There is a girl that is having twins. There is also a couple that doesn't know the sex of their baby yet. They want to be surprised. There is a girl that brought her mom as her coach because her husband is in Iraq and may not make it back in time for the birth of their first child. I can't imagine not having Big John right beside me throughout my pregnancy.
We watched a really cheesy video about the signs of preterm labor. We then broke into groups- one with moms and one with coaches. The nurse teaching the class asked the same questions of both groups. What physical changes have you noticed in mom's body? And What do you want to know before you go into labor. The difference in the questions between the two groups was pretty funny. I could tell that not all the coaches are as involved and informed as Big John is.
After we did all that, we all went to the back of the room and got on the mats on the floor. The nurse showed the coaches how to massage mom's lower back while she is having contractions. I volunteered for her to demonstrate on me. It was so wonderful!! Then she showed Big John how to do it and he perfected it pretty quickly. I think that is one skill I will utilize when I'm in labor. We also got to sit on the birthing ball. It was also wonderful! It took pressure off of my back and pelvis. It felt so good just sitting and rocking back and forth already I can't imagine how good it will feel when I'm in labor. I am definitely going to look into getting one of them for myself!
That was pretty much our entire class. There were a few of the guys that Big John got along with pretty well. They were all laughing and making jokes together. So I think he ended up enjoying himself. We get to do this every Monday in November.
We also had our regular 2 week check up this week. Nothing much to report from it. Everything is still the same. I am still measuring ahead. The plan is still to wait until 36 weeks and have an ultrasound. I haven't gained any weight since my last appt so I was pretty happy about that.
1 comment:
Ha-enjoy the massage now. I went to a childbirth class like this too, and it sounded great, and I enjoyed practicing. But when I was actually in labor, I did not want touched, I just wanted everybody to leave me along because I was in so much pain. (The pain, of course, was worth it in the end, don't get me wrong. I just sure didn't feel like anybody trying to relax me with a massage!)
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