I have so much to be thankful for this year. God has really done some amazing things in my life this year. So here is my list of things I am thankful for...
~ I'm thankful for our new house. We bought it at just the right time for the economy. We love it and it will be the perfect place to bring Eli home to.
~ I'm thankful that I am pregnant. It took us 20 months and a lot of prayer to get here. But again, it happened for us at the perfect time. God had it in His plan the whole time.
~ I'm thankful that I have had an easy healthy pregnancy so far. I have absolutely loved being pregnant. I thank God everyday that I am healthy and that Eli is healthy.
~I'm thankful for Big John. He is such a wonderful husbband and will be such a wonderful daddy. He is so supportive of me and my hopes and dreams. I couldn't ask for a better husband or father for my children. ~~I love you, Big John!!~~
~I'm thankful for our families. They are all so wonderful and we love them all so much. They have all been so supportive and helpful to us throughout this whole pregnancy. I thank God for each and every one of them.
~I'm thankful that in these troubled and uncertain times we both have safe and secure jobs that we love. I can't imagine not knowing when my next paycheck is coming in.
~I'm thankful for all of my friends. Without all of you, I would be lost.
~I'm thankful that we found a church that we love. I look forward to getting up each Sunday morning and going to church. And for those of you that have known me for a while, you know how big of a change this is for me.
~I'm thankful for everything I have experienced this year whether it was good or bad.
I'm sure that there is so much more that I'm thankful for but those are the most important ones. As you all eat way too much today and watch tons of football, think about what you are thankful for and realize what all we have that we all take for granted everyday. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We Graduated!
Well, last night was our last childbirth prep class. We have officially graduated and now we know everything there is to know about labor and delivery. Right?? I wish... I do know that we are ready to face the challenge ahead. I asked Big John on the way home last night if he was ready to be a good coach and help me through it all. He said that he is definitely ready. We got to tour the labor and delivery unit of the hospital and the mother baby unit also. It was so cool to see where we will be in a few weeks. It really hit me hard when I saw the labor rooms. And the baby warmers and the teeny tiny hats they keep for the babies. And then I saw a brand new mommy and baby being transferred to the mother baby unit and her baby was just a few hours old. I quickly realized that I will soon be the one holding the little bundle while being pushed into our new room across the hall. WOW!!
The hospital we are delivering at just went through a huge change in the child birthing center. They are now considered a "baby friendly hospital." Which pretty much just means that they don't let mothers send their new babies off to the nursery to be cared for anymore. The babies "room in" with mommy at all times. They also promote breastfeeding. So they will not supplement with formula unless it is absolutely necessary. Also they encourage mom to nurse within 30 minutes after baby is born. Which fits perfect with my birth plan. I want as much skin-to-skin contact with Eli as soon as he as born as I can get. I also want to nurse for the first time before they do all of his shots and blood work and things like that. They will no longer give baby a pacifier. If you want your baby to have one you have to bring it with you. They recommend that you don't give your baby a pacifier until well after breastfeeding has been established. So a few weeks to a month or maybe even longer than that. All of this fits in with our wishes though. So it's the perfect place for us to give birth. However, I can imagine that they will have some unhappy mothers when they realize that they baby stays in your room all the time now. No more sending the baby to the nursery so you can have a break. You actually have to learn how to care for your baby and bond with him.
We are completely ready for Eli to get here now. We went last weekend and bought the rest of the stuff we wanted off of our registry that we didn't get at my baby showers. So I think we have everything we want now. The only thing left to do is to wash one more load of clothes and strip his bedding off and wash it. Also we need to install the car seat in the car. I have started packing Eli's hospital bag and need to work on getting mine packed and ready to go. I have my list of people to call on the way to the hospital and one of people to call after he's finally here!
I go back to the doctor on Dec. 3rd for my 36 week check up. I will have an ultrasound that day to see how big he is now and estimate how big he will be. They will also check to see if I have started to dilate yet. I am really excited about this part of the process. I am hoping that they tell me I'm already dilated a little bit. I guess we'll see in a week...
The hospital we are delivering at just went through a huge change in the child birthing center. They are now considered a "baby friendly hospital." Which pretty much just means that they don't let mothers send their new babies off to the nursery to be cared for anymore. The babies "room in" with mommy at all times. They also promote breastfeeding. So they will not supplement with formula unless it is absolutely necessary. Also they encourage mom to nurse within 30 minutes after baby is born. Which fits perfect with my birth plan. I want as much skin-to-skin contact with Eli as soon as he as born as I can get. I also want to nurse for the first time before they do all of his shots and blood work and things like that. They will no longer give baby a pacifier. If you want your baby to have one you have to bring it with you. They recommend that you don't give your baby a pacifier until well after breastfeeding has been established. So a few weeks to a month or maybe even longer than that. All of this fits in with our wishes though. So it's the perfect place for us to give birth. However, I can imagine that they will have some unhappy mothers when they realize that they baby stays in your room all the time now. No more sending the baby to the nursery so you can have a break. You actually have to learn how to care for your baby and bond with him.
We are completely ready for Eli to get here now. We went last weekend and bought the rest of the stuff we wanted off of our registry that we didn't get at my baby showers. So I think we have everything we want now. The only thing left to do is to wash one more load of clothes and strip his bedding off and wash it. Also we need to install the car seat in the car. I have started packing Eli's hospital bag and need to work on getting mine packed and ready to go. I have my list of people to call on the way to the hospital and one of people to call after he's finally here!
I go back to the doctor on Dec. 3rd for my 36 week check up. I will have an ultrasound that day to see how big he is now and estimate how big he will be. They will also check to see if I have started to dilate yet. I am really excited about this part of the process. I am hoping that they tell me I'm already dilated a little bit. I guess we'll see in a week...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pregnancy quetsions and answers
I have come across a ton of funny questions from mom's to be and even dads to be on different websites. The following are some of the funnier questions and the answers I would give if asked...
Am I more likely to get pregnant if my husband wears boxers rather then briefs?
Yes, but you'll have an even better chance if he doesn't wear anything at all.
Are birth control pills deductible?
Only if they don't work.
What is a chastity belt?
A labor-saving device.
Should I have a baby after 35?
No, 35 children are enough.
Can a mother get pregnant while nursing?
Yes, but it's much easier if she removes the baby from her breast and puts him to sleep first.
My husband and I are very attractive. I'm sure our baby will be beautiful enough for commercials. Whom should I contact about this?
Your therapist.
How will I know if my vomiting is morning sickness or the flu?
If it's the flu, you'll get better.
I normally wear a size 34-C bra. Now that I'm pregnant, should I continue to wear a bra?
Not if you don't mind switching in the future to a size 34-Long.
What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
With any luck, right after he finishes college.
Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear end, and even my feet have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?
Yes, your bladder.
Ever since I've been pregnant, I haven't been able to go to bed at night without onion rings. Is this a normal craving?
Depends on what you're doing with them.
Under what circumstances can sex at the end of pregnancy bring on labor?
When the sex is between your husband and another woman.
What position should the baby be in during the ninth month of pregnancy?
Head down, pressing firmly on your bladder.
My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.
What does it mean when the baby's head is crowning?
It means you feel as though not only a crown but the entire throne is trying to make it's way out of you.
What are forceps?
Giant baby tweezers.
Does labor cause hemorrhoids?
Labor causes anything you want to blame it for.
Will I love my dog less when the baby is born?
No, but your husband might get on your nerves.
Under what circumstances should a baby not be circumcised?
When it's a girl, for starters.
Where is the best place to store breast milk?
In your breasts.
Is there a safe alternative to breast pumps?
Yes, baby lips.
What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?
It means that the baby's mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse.
How does one sanitize nipples?
Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.
What are the terrible twos?
Your breasts after baby stops nursing cold turkey.
What is the best time to wean the baby from nursing?
When you see teeth marks.
What is the grasp reflex?
The reaction of new father's when he sees new mother's breasts.
What happens to disposable diapers after they're thrown away?
They are stored in a silo in the Midwest, in the event of global chemical warfare.
Do I have to have a baby shower?
Not if your change the baby's diaper very quickly.
What causes baby blues?
Tanned, hard-bodied bimbos.
What is colic?
A reminder for new parents to use birth control.
Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
When the kids are in college.
Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
Yes, pregnancy.
If you have any pregnancy related questions, feel free to ask me. I feel like I could solve the world's problems today.
Am I more likely to get pregnant if my husband wears boxers rather then briefs?
Yes, but you'll have an even better chance if he doesn't wear anything at all.
Are birth control pills deductible?
Only if they don't work.
What is a chastity belt?
A labor-saving device.
Should I have a baby after 35?
No, 35 children are enough.
Can a mother get pregnant while nursing?
Yes, but it's much easier if she removes the baby from her breast and puts him to sleep first.
My husband and I are very attractive. I'm sure our baby will be beautiful enough for commercials. Whom should I contact about this?
Your therapist.
How will I know if my vomiting is morning sickness or the flu?
If it's the flu, you'll get better.
I normally wear a size 34-C bra. Now that I'm pregnant, should I continue to wear a bra?
Not if you don't mind switching in the future to a size 34-Long.
What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
With any luck, right after he finishes college.
Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear end, and even my feet have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?
Yes, your bladder.
Ever since I've been pregnant, I haven't been able to go to bed at night without onion rings. Is this a normal craving?
Depends on what you're doing with them.
Under what circumstances can sex at the end of pregnancy bring on labor?
When the sex is between your husband and another woman.
What position should the baby be in during the ninth month of pregnancy?
Head down, pressing firmly on your bladder.
My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.
What does it mean when the baby's head is crowning?
It means you feel as though not only a crown but the entire throne is trying to make it's way out of you.
What are forceps?
Giant baby tweezers.
Does labor cause hemorrhoids?
Labor causes anything you want to blame it for.
Will I love my dog less when the baby is born?
No, but your husband might get on your nerves.
Under what circumstances should a baby not be circumcised?
When it's a girl, for starters.
Where is the best place to store breast milk?
In your breasts.
Is there a safe alternative to breast pumps?
Yes, baby lips.
What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?
It means that the baby's mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse.
How does one sanitize nipples?
Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.
What are the terrible twos?
Your breasts after baby stops nursing cold turkey.
What is the best time to wean the baby from nursing?
When you see teeth marks.
What is the grasp reflex?
The reaction of new father's when he sees new mother's breasts.
What happens to disposable diapers after they're thrown away?
They are stored in a silo in the Midwest, in the event of global chemical warfare.
Do I have to have a baby shower?
Not if your change the baby's diaper very quickly.
What causes baby blues?
Tanned, hard-bodied bimbos.
What is colic?
A reminder for new parents to use birth control.
Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
When the kids are in college.
Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
Yes, pregnancy.
If you have any pregnancy related questions, feel free to ask me. I feel like I could solve the world's problems today.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day

You gave for peace with courage
That families may be free
So children could grow strong
And safe they'd ever be.
In giving for the sake of peace
You may have suffered loss
Your body may still show its wounds
From taking up the cause.
May remembrance of your time away
Your sacrifice for peace
Spur us on to strive more strongly
For freedom, that there will be release.
From causes that sent some away
To fight that we may freely live
With gratefulness we thank you, veterans
For all you gave and give!"
I know that there is a lot of things in today's society that we complain about. And there are even more things that we don't agree with. But even if you don't agree with the decisions that have been made please thank a veteran today. Without them, we would have a lot more to complain about and probably wouldn't have the freedom to do so. So let's put aside our differences and go out of our way to thank a veteran today.
Also, I would like to extend a special thank you of my own. My dad served our country in the Vietnam war. I would like to say a special thanks to him. He is proud of his time served and I am proud of him for it. He's one of my hero's and I admire him for everything he does and everything he has done. Thanks Dad for your service for our country! I love you!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Come and join the fun
I thought it would be a lot of fun to do a baby pool. So I started one. You can guess on birthday, time born, sex of the baby, length and weight. After the baby's born I will enter all the info and the website will automatically pick a winner for me! And there may be a prize involved! Nothing spectacular but something small... So head on over to this website to enter your guess!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Childbirth Class
We started our Childbirth Prep class this week. I was really looking forward to it but I don't think that Big John shared my enthusiasm. We were one of the first couples there. But after a little bit the room started to fill up. In total, there are 12 couples in class. There are 2 or 3 of us that are due in December and the rest are in Jan or Feb.

The first thing that Big John noticed about the room were the birthing balls. He asked if we could play kick ball with them and I suggested that dodge ball would work better. We started off with an ice breaker where we went around the room and said our names, when we were due and where we were from. There is a girl that is having twins. There is also a couple that doesn't know the sex of their baby yet. They want to be surprised. There is a girl that brought her mom as her coach because her husband is in Iraq and may not make it back in time for the birth of their first child. I can't imagine not having Big John right beside me throughout my pregnancy.
We watched a really cheesy video about the signs of preterm labor. We then broke into groups- one with moms and one with coaches. The nurse teaching the class asked the same questions of both groups. What physical changes have you noticed in mom's body? And What do you want to know before you go into labor. The difference in the questions between the two groups was pretty funny. I could tell that not all the coaches are as involved and informed as Big John is.
After we did all that, we all went to the back of the room and got on the mats on the floor. The nurse showed the coaches how to massage mom's lower back while she is having contractions. I volunteered for her to demonstrate on me. It was so wonderful!! Then she showed Big John how to do it and he perfected it pretty quickly. I think that is one skill I will utilize when I'm in labor. We also got to sit on the birthing ball. It was also wonderful! It took pressure off of my back and pelvis. It felt so good just sitting and rocking back and forth already I can't imagine how good it will feel when I'm in labor. I am definitely going to look into getting one of them for myself!
That was pretty much our entire class. There were a few of the guys that Big John got along with pretty well. They were all laughing and making jokes together. So I think he ended up enjoying himself. We get to do this every Monday in November.
We also had our regular 2 week check up this week. Nothing much to report from it. Everything is still the same. I am still measuring ahead. The plan is still to wait until 36 weeks and have an ultrasound. I haven't gained any weight since my last appt so I was pretty happy about that.

The first thing that Big John noticed about the room were the birthing balls. He asked if we could play kick ball with them and I suggested that dodge ball would work better. We started off with an ice breaker where we went around the room and said our names, when we were due and where we were from. There is a girl that is having twins. There is also a couple that doesn't know the sex of their baby yet. They want to be surprised. There is a girl that brought her mom as her coach because her husband is in Iraq and may not make it back in time for the birth of their first child. I can't imagine not having Big John right beside me throughout my pregnancy.
We watched a really cheesy video about the signs of preterm labor. We then broke into groups- one with moms and one with coaches. The nurse teaching the class asked the same questions of both groups. What physical changes have you noticed in mom's body? And What do you want to know before you go into labor. The difference in the questions between the two groups was pretty funny. I could tell that not all the coaches are as involved and informed as Big John is.
After we did all that, we all went to the back of the room and got on the mats on the floor. The nurse showed the coaches how to massage mom's lower back while she is having contractions. I volunteered for her to demonstrate on me. It was so wonderful!! Then she showed Big John how to do it and he perfected it pretty quickly. I think that is one skill I will utilize when I'm in labor. We also got to sit on the birthing ball. It was also wonderful! It took pressure off of my back and pelvis. It felt so good just sitting and rocking back and forth already I can't imagine how good it will feel when I'm in labor. I am definitely going to look into getting one of them for myself!
That was pretty much our entire class. There were a few of the guys that Big John got along with pretty well. They were all laughing and making jokes together. So I think he ended up enjoying himself. We get to do this every Monday in November.
We also had our regular 2 week check up this week. Nothing much to report from it. Everything is still the same. I am still measuring ahead. The plan is still to wait until 36 weeks and have an ultrasound. I haven't gained any weight since my last appt so I was pretty happy about that.
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