Eli has had a big month also. He is six months old now.
He has two
He is about 5 seconds away from crawling. He gets up on all fours and lunges forward and then does it again. He's like a little caterpillar. Last night he almost got his arms into the mix but then he face planted into the carpet. I think he will be crawling by this time next week. And then we get to baby proof our house.
Our town has a little festival every year called Heritage Days. This year we entered Eli in the Little Prince contest. It was for baby boys 4 months to a year old. The categories were prettiest eyes, best smile, most photogenic, and overall cutest baby. Which one do you think he won??
Oh yeah!! He's the overall cutest baby!! He is the Little Prince of Heritage Days!! He got his picture on the front page of the paper and everything. He even got a trophy! He hasn't let it go to his head though. He's only demanded that we bow before him a few times.
Last weekend was a busy one for us. It was Big John's first Father's Day. We celebrated by spending the whole weekend with our family. On Saturday we went to a State Park nearby and went for a picnic. The guys got to do a little fishing and we all had a really nice day. Eli loves anything that involves being outside so he had a great time also. Sunday we spent the day with my family. We went to a car show that my dad loves to go to every year. After that we went to my parents house for dinner and swimming. Eli got to go swimming for the first time. I was kind of worried that he wouldn't like it. I don't know why I was though. He loves his bath and this was just like a really big bathtub. When we put him in and at first he didn't know what to think.

But then he realized that he really liked it! He splashed and kicked and had a great time. He even put his face in the water and looked at me and smiled real big! I have a feeling that he is going to be like a little fish!